1) 180 Rule and Match-on-Action

Today we had to write and film a scene of a conversation between two people. I learnt how to do the match on action technique where the person enters the scene through a door before it begins; we did this by filming the person outside the door going in, and then filming the person again but from inside so that when edited it would look like one smooth shot of someone entering. We also learnt about the 180 degree rule when filming a conversation, which is where you stay on one side of the two people when filming. This was to ensure that you don't have a shot of the two people facing in the same direction, which would look very strange when they're supposed to be talking to each other. It helped for me to envision an imaginary line so that I would not step outside of it when I was recording. After this, I got a shot of each person talking, making sure I was following this 180 degree rule.
